Anger/stress management issues from mild irritations, violent rage, to explosive emotional disturbances. More..
My life-goal focus is to reach full potential through life/work balance, meaningful relationships, and psychological well being. I am uniquely sensitive to cross-cultural issues being born and raised in France, partly educated in Africa and Middle-East, and a resident of the U.S. Virgin Islands since 1987. I live an active and creative life in keeping with the principles of my philosophy; I practice sailing, kite-boarding and tennis, I am involved in Arts and community projects. I speak fluently English and French.
Rejoignez-moi pour découvrir votre vrai potentiel en ligne ou en personne.
(Join me to experience your true potential On line or in person.)
Video Creation 2018
And other issues demanding clinical attention.
Anger/stress management issues from mild irritations, violent rage, to explosive emotional disturbances. More..
Depressive and anxiety disorder can severely impact a person’s ability to function in school, at work and in social situations. More..
Grief therapy helps people cope with mourning and grief as a result of loss of loved ones, or with other grief-triggering life changes. More..
It has been proven that bipolar disorder can be treated effectively under the supervision of a qualified professional. More..
Our family counseling service is open to receiving couples who are looking for peaceful ways of solving any of their conflicts. More..
Children do go through different stages before they can be said to be an adult. At one point in their growth, More..
P.T.S.D. doesn’t make you weak. It makes you a survivor. PTSD is real and with therapy you can lead a normal life, Online counseling is available. More..
Motivational counseling techniques are at times described as simple but not easy. This type of counseling focuses on improvement. More..
I offer a complete line of counseling for the individual, groups and family based on solution-focused consultation. Building from your strength and resources, therapy will bring you relief and will enhance your emotional, physical, and spiritual growth.
My skills in mental training will also benefit performing artists, athletes, and professionals seeking to optimize their life experience and reach their full potential.