Bipolar Counseling

Bipolar disorder is a brain condition that is known for causing severe shifts in mood, activity levels, and energy. It is a condition that is not easily identifiable and easily mistaken for depression. The main symptoms include disruptive mood changes such as increased mental and physical activities, excessive irritability, impulsiveness, aggressive behavior, social withdrawal, agitation and anxiety among many others. Though it is a treatable condition, it cannot be cured. It has been proven that bipolar disorder can be treated effectively under the supervision of a qualified professional.

C’est à la fois une bénédiction et une malédiction de sentir tout si profondément.

(“It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply.”)

Counseling Made Easy…

It is important to note that bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition. But it can be treated or controlled with the help of a professional. Its symptoms require being contained or otherwise, the ups and downs can have catastrophic effects if they are not controlled. Early treatment and professional help are what you need to avoid the condition from becoming a problem. We ensure that the condition is properly diagnosed and we provide professional bipolar counseling services. We ensure that the condition is properly diagnosed to make sure that we are dealing with the bipolar disorder.

I have the experience to help you control and finally treat the condition. What is clear is that prescription medicine alone cannot treat this condition. More should be done to improve the condition. Patients need professional psychological therapies in terms of counseling, and this is what we are offering you.

Counseling services are offered online through our Telehealth platform, and in person at the office. I will ensure the necessary steps to recovery. The first step is to help you differentiate between the condition signs/symptoms and your true self. This is usually a very thin line, but we have the experience to identify it. Once we have identified main symptoms, it becomes easy to deal with the illness.

Get in touch now

 I know it is often difficult for people to reach out and ask for help. The one thing that helps most people through any difficult situation is to be able to talk to someone about it in a confidential and non judgmental way.